Friday, November 11, 2005

Why I have started to blog..

Please note: All my blog titles will end with the '..' Don't ask why... idiosyncrasy, i guess.

(Forgot the spelling of idiosyncrasy.. Googled it. How? Typed in the wrong spelling, and got the right one from google's infamous "did you mean..")

Coming back to why I have started to blog:

1. I am too lazy to create a website of my own (Yeah, shame on me! I'm a computer science engineer after all! ).

2. Just felt like blogging today ( Nov. 11, 2005.. I know.. the timestamp is up there! But I know there are some people who will not observe that. Also, there will be some people who will not know what a timestamp is.. ).

3. Can't think of a third reason.. so watch this space!


At 1:07 PM, Blogger Swaroop Bhushan said...

d00d you love bulletted points, dont you?? ;)

At 9:41 AM, Blogger medicine23 said...

what is Meanderthal?

The closest word I can find is Neanderthal meaning An extinct human species


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